J.D. Sharp blows off steam on whatever the heck he feels like. And then feels the wrath of his friends' criticism as they point out the incredible shallowness of his positions. But hopefully he returns stronger than ever!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Mankind: Endangered Species. So is Womankind.

Expansion of Clinics Shapes Bush Legacy

Really. I can't believe this piece of horse plop polishing in the recent New York Times. It almost seems like Prez Bush II must have had a favor or two to call in at the Times to get this published with a straight face.

Don't get me wrong. I am all for expansion of clinics and bringing health care to places it is most needed. Bravo, Mr. President!

So why is it that this wonderful news does not crowd out media reports of your attempt to gut the Endangered Species Act in a last-minute (ok, last-month) slash and burn directive from the good offices of your Presidency?

Yes, you have taken your last swipe at that darned Science, obviously the root of all evil for business development, for it is because those Scientists insist on reviewing the consequences of new construction on the biosphere. As if that should not matter.

I will not dwell on this subject, but I do want to point out to one and all why this is shortsighted. Why we should have an Endangered Species Act, and why such an act is of benefit to all of us.

The ultimate Endangered Species is humanity, mankind, whatever you choose to tag us with. How many mine canaries do we need to have fall over. stone dead and suffocated before we realize that we're working our way up to our own niche?

If there's anything that shapes your legacy in my mind, it is this rearguard abomination you've pulled. It's mostly window dressing anyway, since everything you've done is mercifully about to be reversed, starting with this miscarriage. Abort! Abort! What kind of lowlife President would want to make the destruction of critters, and by inference, the undoing of the biosphere we live in, his legacy? George II, we will remember you always!

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